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16 October 2011

What do you Know about Alexandria ?!

Egypt Alexandria What do you Know about Alexandria ?!
AlexandriaEgypt's second capital and largest city after its capital,Cairo. Is the largest port in the Egypt, this city was founded by Alexander the Great 333 BC. CE,and became a center of world culture. Rich and famous for its library of philosophy. The Ptolemies built a lighthouse Alexandria, which is considered among the seven wonders of the world, to the enormous height of 35 meters approximately. Thislighthouse has been in existence until destroyed by a massive earthquake in 1307 AD.
Alexander the Great founded the city of Alexandria in Egypt January 21 331 BC. M Greek city. And became the largest city in the Mediterranean basin. And the capital city of Alexandria on the sea over the coastal strip north west of the Nile Delta and the development of Greek planning engineer (Dinoqratis) Penneklev from Alexander to fall next to the ancient village of fishermen was called Rakota (Racodh). And the city has carried his name. And soon gained fame after quickly became a cultural center, politically, economically, and especially when it was the capital of the rule of the Ptolemies in Egypt and the building of the city days of Alexander the Great as an extension of the urban cities of Pharaonic existed at the time and has a reputation for religious, cultural and commercial. And was the beginning of construction Kdahih of the cities of Herakleion and Kanobs and Mntos. And Alexandria Alexander was characterized in the opening lines militarization of a city the soldiers, the Greeks and then turned into days of the Ptolemaic Greeks to the royal city parks and their columns white marble streets and the widening and was overlooking the sea and the south-east of the eastern port, which was called the port is great compared between him and Mbina Heraklion When Abu Qir to the mouth of a tributary of the Nile, which ceased to exist and now receded into the mouth of the Nile, 20 km from Abu Qir when Rashid. And the new city has acquired the fame of the ancient university and its complex scientific "Museion" and its library, which is the first research institute in history and a real lighthouse, which has become one of the seven wonders of the ancient worldAnd researchers have found the effects of ancient Alexandria and Abu Qir under water on the submerged ruins of the old 2500 years of Pharaonic cities - Hellenic. Not know and so far only through the receipt as narrated by historians or travelers came myths and epics of ancient Greece. And the cities of Heraklion and Mentes near the ancient city of Alexandria and is currently at a depth of 8 meters Abu Qir Bay. And the commercial port of Heraklion overlooking the mouth of the Nile branch, which has been called the branch Kanobs. Mentes and the city was a city Mekdshhat religious worship was held by Isis and Serapis. Cities and sunk in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea at a depth as a result of earthquakes or flooding of the Nile. And this was the port of Heraklion Pharaonic temples of his fame and prosperity of the commercial because it was the most important commercial ports on the Ancient Mediterranean. Expeditions have discovered the three cities, heritage sites that have existed since the foot and is Heraklion and Kanobs and Menotas. Ordered them to houses and temples and statues and columns.
For the first time the French expedition to find evidence of these cities which were famous temples dating back to the gods Isis and Osiris, and Serapis, making the pilgrimage and holy shrines.Alexandria remained capital of Egypt during the eras of Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, even income. And moved them to the capital city of Fustat, founded by Amr Ibn El-Aas in AH 21 -641 meters.
History of Alexandria :
At the beginning of the fourth century BC, there was nothing but white sand and the sea and island wide and extended in front of the main coast called "Varoz", the ancient port .. And on the main beach a small village called "Raktos" surrounded by small villages further spread as well as between the sea and Lake Mareotis, he says archaeologists it might have been considered a strategic location for the expulsion of tribes that could attack from time to time from the western side of the Nile valley, or perhaps The "Raktos" just a small village based on fishing not only .. This is a description of the place of what is now known as the city of Alexandria, which was the undisputed center of the long centuries of thought in the ancient world .. So what is the event on the sand to the most famous city on the Mediterranean and specifically at what is now Greece's north, where was then just a different Hellenic cities and strong .. And in return for their strength there was Persia, which was occupies what is now known as Iraq and the Levant, Palestine and Egypt. And tried to fleets of the Persian invasion of the Greek islands, making the kingdoms feel the need to unite to confront the danger Persian demonstrated Philippe, King of Macedonia during the fourth century BC, he united the Greek city-and then he tried to cross Asia Minor (Turkey) to face the Persians, but he died to complete the march, his son Alexander in in 336 BC and is still in the twenty years old .. Vzhv to open Asia Minor and the Levant and Palestine that came to Egypt after the crushing defeats of the Persians .. And in Egypt (in 332 BC) was received by the Egyptians welcomed because of the cruelty of which they were treated under the Persian occupation .. and after that visited the city of Memphis (now south of Giza) was crowned king of Egypt, he visited the Temple of Amun, Siwa Oasis, where the priests conducted rituals adoption to become Alexander the son of Amun .. And on his way to Siwa, enjoy the land stretching between the Mediterranean Sea and Lake Mareotis and the island stretching in front of the beach and ordered to build a city there to be a link between Egypt and Greece .. And after a few months, leaving Egypt Alexander heading towards the east to complement the rest of the track ..He opened, Persia (Iran) Alexander is to become the ruler of each of the Persian Empire, where to take the undisputed title of "Lord of Asia," but the ambitious young king did not stop, but marched with his army until he reached India and Central Asia .. While Alexander was in the Persian Gulf (Arab) disease, which surprised him did not last long pit where death after ten days, did not exceed the 33-year-old to be his body was taken to Egypt to be buried in Alexandria, which was not successful enough to see it again.

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